Questions to Ask Before You Begin your Stained Glass Restoration Project in Colorado Springs

stained glass restoration colorado springs

Questions to Ask Before You Begin your Stained Glass Restoration Project in Colorado Springs

While many churches today contain stained glass windows, few churches are equipped with knowledge about stained glass restoration in Colorado Springs. This is due partly to the fact that stained glass is such an old art form, and one that’s not practiced very commonly today, that most people today simply aren’t aware of how to take care of it and preserve it. The other reason is that there are very few studios that are actually qualified to conduct a process as intensive as stained glass restoration.

For this reason, many churches neglect to get the repairs they need for their stained glass before its too late. This is extremely unfortunate since antique stained glass is such a rarity. Once it has been damaged extensively and the pieces begin to fall out and shatter, the stained glass is at risk of being lost forever.

Questions Every Church Should Ask Before Approving a Stained Glass Restoration

By being proactive and inspecting your stained glass on a regular basis, once or twice a year, you can avoid these issues and keep your church’s beloved artwork in good condition. However, if you do find that your stained glass is beginning to deteriorate, it can be helpful to know what questions to ask. Below, we’ve listed some questions churches may want to ask before beginning a stained glass restoration project in Colorado Springs.

1. Is restoration the best option for your stained glass?
Before you invest in something as expensive as stained glass restoration, you want to be certain that your church is a good candidate. In some cases, it does not make sense to restore stained glass because the glass is not valuable enough to be saved. Other times, full on restorations can be avoided with a few simple onsite repairs. Ask your restoration expert which option is right for your church.

2. Does the restoration company have insurance?
You want to make sure that the company you work with is fully insured. If an accident or injury occurs on your church property, you don’t want to be held liable. A reputable studio will be fully insured and may also have other credentials they can provide to establish their expertise.

3. Are there references you can contact?
Before you sign a contract, you want to make sure the studio you’re considering has a good reputation. Ask for references to gain an understanding of their work. Talking to past clients and seeing actual restorations in person can give you a good understanding of the quality of work that a studio provides.

Schedule a Consultation

Are you looking for a stained glass restoration expert in Colorado Springs? We’d love to set up a time to meet with you! Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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