Futuristic Fundraising Ideas for Church Stained Glass Restorations

Futuristic Fundraising Ideas for Church Stained Glass Restorations

Stained glass is something that many Colorado Springs churches take pride in and it has meaning to their congregation. These windows often represent the history of a church so preserving them is important for that reason alone.  However, stained-glass preservation is expensive and almost no church has the money to do it on hand.  Luckily there are several modern ways churches can now raise funds online for their church stained glass restoration.

Why Churches Should Use Modern Technology to Fundraise for Stained Glass Restoration

While not all churches have a lot of extra cash on hand, the stained glass restoration projects for their iconic windows are worth it. As we’ve seen working with many different congregations in our time restoring these beautiful pieces of artwork–churches always find raising funds was well worth it.  Happily, technology has made fundraising more accessible than ever before too! Check out some modern ideas below.

Online Fundraising Ideas for Church Stained Glass

Fundraising is certainly not a new concept for non-profit organizations. But we wanted to outline some of the most successful things we have seen local Colorado Springs churches start doing.

GoFundMe: One of the newest ways to raise money for causes is called GoFundMe. This website allows people and organizations to crowdfund for things they care about, which can be either personal or charitable in nature. The setup process is fairly simple with a few details like how much you want your donations raised goal to be as well as an introduction video that shows where all this money will go towards – whether it’s food, education programs, or even medical supplies! Sharing the project on social media just got easier too with their new Facebook integration feature–now anyone who cares about what your cause stands up against can donate right away without having any knowledge of setting up bank accounts beforehand!

Email Blasts: A lot of churches are using email blasts to get information out and engage their congregation.  One great way this can be done is by linking your fundraising campaign on the GoFundMe platform with an email blast in order to increase donations for a specific cause or project. A new, creative approach that many churches have begun taking advantage of today is sending charitable campaigns through emails instead of traditional channels such as newsletters

Venmo Offering:  Now that exchanging money is simplified with cash apps like Venmo, special offerings at church has never been easier. Not only are these transactions simple–tracking them also couldn’t be any simpler! Simply have a point person set up the church’s bank account in the Venmo app and then ask your congregation to donate on their phone through that email. The app requires a note for every transaction so congregants can simply put “restoration fund” as they would during an offering basket collection process into this section of our online giving page.

Contact us at Colorado Springs Stained Glass today for more information on these amazing fundraising methods for your church!

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