Stained Glass Restoration Myths: We Can Help Restore Colorado Springs Stained Glass

stained glass restoration colorado springs

Stained Glass Restoration Myths: We Can Help Restore Colorado Springs Stained Glass

Stained glass is perhaps one of the most beautiful forms of art existing today. Painstakingly pieced together, hand painted, and constructed into monumental panels, stained glass windows are the result of extraordinary skill and craftsmanship, and take a generous amount of time and knowledge to produce. Though beautiful, stained glass windows are delicate and can be easily broken and damaged, sometimes by natural events or sometimes by accident.

Fortunately, with great effort through the process stained glass restoration, stained glass windows can be restored to their original beauty and appearance. Our company specializes in this area and has completed hundreds of restorations over the time that we’ve been in business. If you need stained glass restoration in Colorado Springs, we can help.

church stained glass restoration colorado springs

Stained Glass Deterioration: Types & Causes

There are many different factors that may cause stained glass to deteriorate, however here are some of the most common:

  • Glass deterioration – when exposed to moisture, chemical pollution, or humidity, glass begins to corrode, develops pockets, and eventually becomes opaque
  • Deterioration of paints and enamels – painted glass may deteriorate as a result of corrosion or exposure to uv rays from the sun and begin to fade
  • Structural damage – when exposed to heat, the lead caming between the glass undergoes thermal expansion and contraction, causing the skeleton of the panel to become misshapen
  • Stained Glass Restoration Process

    At Colorado Springs Stained Glass, we are committed to the effort of stained glass conservation. We conduct all stained glass repairs/restorations usually minimally invasive techniques in order to ensure the preservation of the original work.

    We begin each restoration with a consultation, which allows us to inspect the condition of the glass and develop a plan. After a plan has been finalized, we remove the window, bring it back to our workshop, and clean it using gentle cleaners. The design of the panel is carefully documented before it is disassembled and repaired. Then, it is put back together and installed.

    Get a Quote on Stained Glass Restoration in Colorado Springs

    Are you the owner of a stained glass window that needs repair or restoration in Colorado Springs? Call us today to receive a quote or schedule your free consultation!

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