Update Your Bathroom with Stained Glass for your Colorado Springs Home

update bathroom stained glass colorado springs

Update Your Bathroom with Stained Glass for your Colorado Springs Home

Your bathroom is one of the most intimate rooms in your home. It should be someplace where you can unwind at the end of a long day and feel free to be yourself.

But if you have a bathroom window that overlooks your front yard or a neighbor’s home, you may not feel like you have the secluded, peaceful space you need to relax.

That’s why you should consider updating the bathroom of your Colorado Springs home with stained glass! Below, we’ve listed some of our favorite ways to use stained glass for bathroom renovations.


How Can Your Bathroom Benefit from Stained Glass?

If you have a bathroom that’s outdated or lacking in terms of aesthetics, you should consider using stained glass to give it a quick refresh! Stained glass windows give bathrooms an instant boost in style and can make them look very elegant and alluring. In addition, there are many practical benefits of installing bathroom stained glass for your Colorado Springs home like:

  • Radiant natural sunlight in your bathroom
  • Privacy and protection from neighbors and strangers
  • Adds to the value of your home


Beautiful Ways to Update Your Bathroom with Stained Glass

Updating your bathroom with stained glass is easy! All you have to do is use your imagination! To help you feel inspired, we’ve shared some of our favorite bathroom stained glass ideas below.


cabinet stained glass colorado springs

 Bathroom Cabinets

Give your old bathroom cabinets a refresh with stained glass inserts! We love the contrast between the materials and textures in this bathroom!


colorado springs bathroom stained glass

 Privacy Glass

Instead of covering up your bathroom windows with tacky curtains that you’ll have to dust all the time, replace the flat glass for privacy glass! You’ll get the same privacy, plus a more beautiful-looking bathroom!


transom stained glass colorado springs

Transom Windows

Transom windows are not something to be overlooked! Here is an opportunity to add detail and design to your bathroom! Stained glass transom windows call attention to the height of the room, making it seem larger and more appealing.


Create a Stunning Bathroom with Stained Glass!

Call Colorado Springs Stained Glass today to get beautiful stained glass windows for your bathroom!

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