Add Beautiful Stained Glass Transoms to Your Colorado Springs Home

transom stained glass colorado springs

Add Beautiful Stained Glass Transoms to Your Colorado Springs Home

Have a New Year’s resolution of finally tackling those long neglected home improvement projects? We’ve got some advice for your home renovations that you don’t want to miss out on. While you may be tempted, there’s good reason you should skip out on all those makeshift pinterest DIY projects and opt for something with higher quality craftsmanship. Give your space an upgrade that has real value and beauty by adding stained glass transoms to your Colorado Springs home.

Transoms, a Popularity in Colorado Springs Homes

Many of the homes here in Colorado Springs are built with transoms in the entryway, dining room, kitchen, or bathroom. What are transoms? Transoms are windows that are located on the upper half of your wall. While many are rectangular, they really can be any shape or size. Their purpose is to let extra sunlight into the room to make it seem bigger and brighter.

colorado springs transom stained glass

How to Enhance Your Transom Windows and Home Design

But the problem is that most transoms don’t do much to actually enhance the aesthetics of your home. They’re just plain, flat glass that often opens up to nothing but a view of empty sky. Or, even worse, sometimes your neighbor’s wall or an apartment building. Many times homeowners will try to remedy this by installing curtains or blinds, but that blocks out the sun and, in our opinion, kind of defeats the purpose of the windows in the first place.

Stained Glass Adds Beauty and Light

By replacing standard transom windows with stained glass, you can dramatically enhance the appearance of your home. The beauty of stained glass in unparalleled. When the sun shines through it, it shimmers with a prismatic array of colors and radiance. That’s what makes it perfect for windows that are located high up, like transoms. It also covers up unattractive views and creates a more private feeling for your living space.

transom stained glass windows colorado springs

Contact Us for Stained Glass Transoms in Colorado Springs

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t let another year go by leaving your home improvement goals neglected. Get a beautiful custom made stained glass transom for your home by calling Colorado Springs Stained Glass today.

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