The envy of the neighborhood.

The envy of the neighborhood.

With the installation of our gorgeous custom stained glass, Colorado Springs homes might just become the envy of the neighborhood. Or at least your own friends and neighbors.

We believe nothing adds beauty, sophistication, and elegance like stained glass. And it is a unique choice that shows off your great taste and class. With stained glass, Colorado Springs homeowners get to add value to their homes as well as enhancing their appearance.

Let’s look at your home’s entryway, for a start. Is it on the ordinary side? Is it rather dark on the inside? Is there really nowhere to add any art, or any way to make it stand out among all the other homes in your development? Custom designed stained glass to the rescue!

When you add stained glass to Colorado Springs entryways, they come alive. Usually our customers will add stained glass to the sidelights on one or both sides of the front door, and to the transom window above the front door if they have one. This completely changes the look of your entryway. But if you want to add more light to that same entryway and really take it to a whole new level of gorgeousness, then we recommend adding a stained glass insert to the front door itself. This will let more light through and really tie together the entire look of the entryway.


Click here to see some of the stained glass Colorado Springs customers have been using to transform the front of their homes. Did you notice how spectacular the ones with stained glass sidelights, transom, and front door were? Did you notice how much more light the front door panel adds? By the way, to get a better look at any of those photos, all you have to do is click on any one to enlarge it.

So now you can see why we think adding custom stained glass in Colorado Springs homes might just make you the envy of your neighborhood. But there are many other places to add stained glass windows as well. Actually, where there’s glass there can be stained glass. How about the windows in your bathroom, especially that big one behind the tub that just doesn’t offer quite enough privacy? Or how about the cabinet doors in your kitchen, for a striking kitchen makeover? Or perhaps that hallway or stairwell window that opens up to a not so pleasing view of your neighbor’s siding or garage?

When it comes to custom stained glass, Colorado Springs residents know what they like and how they like it. Why not contact us today to set up an appointment with one of our local stained glass designers?

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