Hallway stained glass can brighten your Colorado Springs home.

Hallway stained glass can brighten your Colorado Springs home.

With beautiful custom hallway stained glass, Colorado Springs homeowners have the perfect solution to drab, dark hallways and hallways windows that open onto ugly views.

Do you have hallway windows in your home? This could be a window in the hallway by your front door. It could be a window in a stairwell. It could even be an internal hallway pass through that opens into another room of the house.

In any case, you probably already know how difficult it is to decorate a narrow, dark hallway. Any lighting seems to be eaten up. If you have one or more hallway windows, you certainly wouldn’t want to cover them with shades or curtains, making the space even darker. The installation of hallway stained glass, Colorado Springs residents are discovering, is the perfect solution to several hallway problems.

1. Boring hallways that are too narrow to add any interesting furniture. With the addition of custom stained glass windows, the hallway is instantly interesting, even eye-catching when the light shines through.

2. Too dark hallways: leaded stained glass lets in the light, using combinations of clear, frosted, and even beveled glass to create interest while letting in the natural light.

3. The hallways window opens onto an ugly view, perhaps the side of your neighbor’s house or even a parking lot. With hallway stained glass, Colorado Springs homeowners add more value and block that unappealing view.

4. Not enough privacy: if your hallway or staircase window opens onto someone else’s window, you might want more privacy without covering up that window. Again, leaded stained glass is a perfect solution to the privacy problem.


Hallway stained glass, Colorado Springs residents in historic neighborhoods know, is a classic design feature that solves a variety of problems. But the main thing stained glass does is add elegance, interest, style, texture, and chicness to your home and your hallways And who doesn’t want that?

When it comes to the style of your hallway stained glass, Colorado Springs homeowners know just what they want. And because we do custom windows, we can design and build them in that exact style, design, and pattern. Are you imagining antique style windows in your hallway? Or Art Deco windows, to match some of your other artwork? Or Mission style designs, because you have always admire the work of famed architect and designer Frank Lloyd Wright and his wonderful stained glass light screens?

We work in any style! For the most beautiful, hand-crafted hallway stained glass, Colorado Springs area, please contact us today.

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