Basement stained glass for a new view.

Basement stained glass for a new view.

When it comes to basement stained glass, Colorado Springs Stained Glass has over two decades experience helping homeowners enhance the décor of their basements. Perhaps you’ve always loved the look of stained glass, but it’s never occurred to you to put it in your basement.

Why not, we ask? It’s the perfect solution to a subterranean problem you might have thought there was no real solution to. If you have a finished basement in Colorado Springs and are unhappy with the view of your basement window wells, stained glass windows provide the most beautiful solution possible. Many of our customers have spent good money finishing and decorating their basements, making that space warm and inviting. They might have put in new rooms or a bathroom, new flooring, perhaps a pool table, ping pong table, or an entertainment center. There might be some cool art on the walls. And it all looks great, except for those ugly little basement windows. You know the kind, narrow rectangles of dirty glass that open out onto a metal window well or the bottom end of a shrub. Ugly.

And yet, you hardly want to put curtains over them because that will block what little natural light enters through them. We all love rooms with natural light, especially in the basement.

Basement stained glass, Colorado Springs residents are discovering, is the perfect fit. It adds art, interest, style, and perhaps even some color to those windows. It allows them to become a part of your overall décor, even enhance your overall décor. And continues to let the light shine through!

colorado springs stained glass basement stained glass

(For the most natural light, we recommend clear, frosted, or very light colored glass, perhaps beveled to really catch any sun.)

Colorado Springs Stained Glass can custom design basement stained glass windows in any style that will give you a stained glass view, instead of a dusty, dirty, basement window well. And we think you will be delighted at just how affordable it will be, despite the fact that we make a hundred percent custom item.

By custom, we mean designed specifically for you, to the exact measurements of your windows, in any style or design. And if you like, you can carry that forward throughout other areas in your house for a stunning, unified look. For instance, sticking with basement stained glass, Colorado Springs clients have asked us to make a matching stained glass panel for the sliding glass door out to the patio. Or for the cabinets in the basement bathroom. Or as a backdrop behind the basement bar.

If you want to turn those ugly basement well windows into striking works of art, please contact Colorado Springs Stained Glass today to set up an appointment.

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