Signs Your Stained Glass Needs Help: Assessment in Colorado Springs

stained glass assessment Colorado Springs

Signs Your Stained Glass Needs Help: Assessment in Colorado Springs

Stained glass assessment in Colorado Springs is a vital service, especially for the beautiful historic churches that dot this region. Here’s how Colorado Springs Stained Glass can help you identify when your stained glass windows need restoration.

Recognizing Signs of Stained Glass Deterioration

Stained glass, especially in churches, undergoes various forms of damage over time. Noticing these signs early is crucial for timely intervention and preserving the intricate beauty of the windows. Here are the key indicators of deterioration that need immediate attention.

Visible Gaps and Light Leakages

If you notice light peeking through the borders of the glass and lead, it’s a sign of stretched lead cames. This could increase the risk of the glass panels falling out if not addressed promptly. Such stretching of lead cames can be due to the wood frame losing its strength over years, causing the lead to weaken as well.

Buckling, Bowing, or Sagging

Physical distortions such as buckling, bowing, or sagging window panes suggest significant stress. This might stem from weakening wood frames or even adjustments in the building’s structure, impacting the integrity of the stained glass.

Chips and Cracks in the Glass

Minor damages like chips and cracks might seem insignificant, but they can predict bigger issues. They commonly emerge from “stress zones” in the glass due to issues like decay or corrosion in the frame, risking the overall stability of the window.

Water Infiltration

Ongoing exposure to moisture can lead to severe damage to both the glass and lead. Water infiltration can decay the window’s putty, weakening the seal and allowing moisture and pollutants inside, which further weakens the structure.

Paint Deterioration

Environmental factors can degrade painted glass, dimming its vibrant colors. Issues like low-quality or improperly fired paint can flake off or bubble up, affecting the stained glass’s visual appeal.

Preserving Colorado Springs’ Religious Heritage

Colorado Springs has a rich religious background with many historic churches that showcase beautiful stained glass art. For instance, churches like First Presbyterian Church and First Congregational Church in neighborhoods like Old Colorado City and Downtown Colorado Springs, not only reflect the city’s spiritual life but also its architectural history.

Understanding the importance of stained glass preservation is key to maintaining these cultural landmarks. By scheduling regular stained glass assessments, these churches can continue to contribute to the city’s historical narrative.

How Stained Glass Assessment in Colorado Springs Can Help

Regular inspections by seasoned professionals from Colorado Springs Stained Glass can help detect and address these signs of deterioration early, minimizing damage and restoration costs. Here’s what to consider:

  • Assess for any visible gaps, light leakages, and the condition of lead cames.
  • Check for signs of buckling, bowing, or sagging that indicate stress on the glass panes.
  • Inspect for chips, cracks, and any signs of buckling in the glass, which indicate deeper structural issues.
  • Examine for water infiltration and any resulting damage to the window’s structural integrity.
  • Evaluate the condition of painted glass for signs of deterioration or environmental damage.

By addressing these issues promptly, we not only preserve the beauty and function of the stained glass but also ensure it remains a vibrant part of our community’s legacy.

Connect with Us

If you’re seeing signs that your church’s stained glass might need help, don’t wait. Contact Colorado Springs Stained Glass to get a quote or learn more about the benefits of stained glass conservation. Our experts are ready to assist you in maintaining and restoring the integrity and beauty of your stained glass windows. Contact us today by calling (719) 445-7089 or email us at

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